Case Study: Transformation at Port Macquarie Hastings Council

How introducing an integrated HR solution let to a fundamental shift in the Council's approach to project management and change management.

In 2021, a member of Port Macquarie Hastings Council's (PMHC) HR team attended a conference and was introduced to a number of new HR software solutions and their associated benefits. This scenario sparked a series of questions that challenged the status quo: Why couldn't the Council have an overall view of their staff? Why couldn't they see all applicants for roles in a consolidated manner? These questions laid the foundation for the HR project.

Project Initiation

The project began with identifying the need for a comprehensive Human Resource Information System (HRIS). The team at PMHC wanted a system that provided an overall view of staff, streamlined applicant tracking, and met their specific criteria. The initiation phase was detailed and involved several key steps:

  1. Needs Assessment: The team conducted a thorough needs assessment to identify the specific requirements and pain points of their existing HR processes. This involved consulting with various stakeholders, including HR staff, managers, and IT personnel, to gather input and insights.

  2. Research and Evaluation: With a clear understanding of their needs, the team researched potential HRIS solutions. They evaluated different software options based on their features, scalability, ease of use, and cost. The evaluation process included product demonstrations, vendor interviews, and references from other organisations.

  3. Pilot Testing: The Council conducted pilot testing with a few selected HRIS solutions. This involved importing sample data, and testing key functionalities to assess how well each system met their needs. Feedback from the pilot testing was used to refine their selection criteria.

  4. Decision Making: After thorough research and pilot testing, the team selected Pulse Talent as the HRIS solution. The decision was based on its ability to meet their requirements, its user-friendly interface, and positive feedback from pilot testing.


The implementation of Pulse Talent was carried out in a structured and phased manner to ensure a smooth transition. The key steps in the implementation phase included:

  1. Project Planning: A detailed project plan was developed, outlining the timeline, key milestones, and responsibilities. This plan included risk management strategies and contingency plans to address potential challenges.

  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Regular communication with stakeholders was maintained throughout the implementation process. This included providing updates, addressing concerns, and ensuring that everyone was aligned with the project goals and timelines.

  3. Data Migration: One of the critical tasks was migrating data from the old system to Pulse Talent. This involved cleaning and preparing the data to ensure accuracy and consistency. The team conducted multiple rounds of data validation to ensure a smooth migration.

  4. Training and Support: Comprehensive training sessions were conducted for all platform administrators to ensure they were comfortable using the new system. Training materials, user guides, and support resources were provided to facilitate a smooth transition. The team were also able to access the Pulse helpdesk to address any issues or queries during the initial rollout.

  5. Phased Rollout: The implementation was carried out in phases, starting with core HR functionalities. Once the core modules were successfully implemented, additional functionalities such as performance management, learning, recruitment and onboarding were rolled out.

  6. Monitoring and Feedback: The team closely monitored the system's performance and gathered feedback from users. This feedback was used to make necessary adjustments and improvements. Regular review meetings were held to track progress and address any items promptly.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

  1. Adopting a New Mindset: Inspired by Steve Jobs' approach to innovation, PMHC's project team embraced a "what if" mindset. This open and challenging way of thinking helped them find the right solutions. By questioning existing processes and exploring possibilities, they identified key areas for improvement and innovation.

  2. Continuous Improvement: PMHC's technology innovation framework is an ongoing process of learning and tweaking with each new project. The team continually refines their approach based on lessons learned. This continuous improvement mindset aligns with the Australian Business Excellence Framework.

  3. Engagement and Fun: Throughout the project the Council's workshops became more engaging and enjoyable, fostering a positive environment for continuous improvement. They continued to think outside the box and these sessions evolved to include creative exercises which emphasised the importance for clear communication and understanding in project management. This is where sandwiches and an iconic Australian spread came into play.

The Vegemite Sandwich Exercise

One of the standout moments in the project was the Vegemite sandwich exercise. During a workshop, the team used the process of making a Vegemite sandwich to illustrate the importance of detailed and clear instructions. Participants were asked to write down every step required to make the sandwich, from opening the bread packet to spreading the Vegemite evenly. This exercise highlighted how even simple tasks could be misinterpreted without proper guidance. It served as a metaphor for project management, emphasising the need for precision and clarity in all instructions. This led to a fundamental shift in the Council's approach to project management and change management.

"The Vegemite sandwich exercise was a fun and effective way to show how crucial clear communication is. It reminded everyone that even the simplest tasks need detailed instructions to avoid misunderstandings."

- Jane Kercher, Technology Program Manager, Port Macquarie Hastings Council

Outcomes and Looking Forward

  • Streamlined Processes: The new HRIS, Pulse Talent, has streamlined various HR processes, making them more efficient and transparent. By providing a consolidated view of staff, the system has improved decision-making and overall efficiency.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Enhanced visibility allows the Council to manage their workforce more effectively and make informed strategic decisions.
  • Ongoing Innovation: PMHC continues to innovate and improve their technology framework, aligning with the Australian Business Excellence Framework. The team is committed to continuous learning and improvement, ensuring that they remain innovative in their technological approach.

The HR project at Port Macquarie Hastings Council demonstrates the power of challenging the status quo and adopting a continuous improvement mindset. By asking the right questions and embracing innovation, the Council has transformed their approach to project management and technology implementation, setting a strong foundation for future success.

Key Takeaways

  • Embrace a "what if" mindset to challenge existing processes and find innovative solutions.
  • Continuous improvement is essential for long-term success in technology implementation.
  • Engaging and enjoyable workshops can enhance team collaboration and innovation.
  • Simple, effective metaphors, like the Vegemite sandwich, can facilitate understanding and innovation.

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