
From Plans to People - Pulse's Strategic Link

Written by Pulse Software | Oct 8, 2024 2:04:42 AM

Pulse Software's Corporate Planning & Reporting and Employee Performance modules have played a pivotal role in shaping how councils across Australia and New Zealand achieve greater accountability, alignment, and efficiency. These modules, developed in response to real needs within the local government sector, have revolutionised how councils manage strategic planning and employee performance, bridging the gap between corporate strategies and individual contributions.

The Beginning: Corporate Planning & Reporting

In 2011, Pulse’s co-founders recognised a significant gap in how councils were managing their corporate plans and strategic goals. At the time, many councils were relying on scattered documents and Excel spreadsheets to track and report on their action plans. This fragmented approach not only created a reporting nightmare but also made it challenging for teams to see the bigger picture - how their work was directly contributing to the council’s strategic objectives.

Pulse’s Corporate Planning & Reporting module was designed to address this issue head-on. By streamlining action management and reporting processes, the module offered more than just a software solution - it delivered a means to create internal engagement and line of sight for teams. Employees could now see how their efforts aligned with the organisation’s goals, fostering a culture of accountability and engagement. This feature became a cornerstone of Pulse’s mission: to connect strategy with operational execution seamlessly.

Introducing Employee Performance 

After the success of the Corporate Planning & Reporting module, Pulse listened carefully to customer feedback. What they heard was clear: councils needed more than just a tool for managing actions and reporting on strategies - they needed a way to align their people with their organisational goals. Councils sought a solution that would bridge the gap between high-level strategic planning and individual employee performance.

In response, Pulse developed the Employee Performance module, which quickly became the second core offering in its product suite. The goal was to provide councils with a way to manage employee development, performance, and contributions in direct alignment with the operational plans they had already created. The result was a powerful combination that allowed councils to drive performance management with the same rigour they applied to corporate planning, ensuring both organisational and individual goals were met in tandem.

Connecting Strategy to People

What makes the combination of both modules so powerful is the link between the Corporate Planning & Reporting and Employee Performance modules. By connecting the two modules, councils can finally align their strategic objectives with their workforce’s day-to-day activities. Here’s how it works:

  • Strategic Alignment: The Corporate Planning & Reporting module outlines the council’s strategic and operational goals. Each action item is assigned to a team or individual, creating direct accountability.

  • Individual Contribution: The Employee Performance module takes those assignments and incorporates them into each employee’s performance review. Employees can see, track, and be evaluated on their contributions to the council’s strategic objectives, creating a clear link between their personal development and the organisation’s success.

This integration enables councils to move beyond traditional performance reviews, which are often disconnected from real-world outcomes, and focus on meaningful assessments that drive both individual and organisational growth. In essence, councils can ensure that every employee understands their role in achieving strategic goals, improving motivation and overall performance.

Key Benefits for Councils

Councils in Australia and New Zealand that have adopted this combination have seen significant improvements in both transparency and efficiency. Here are just a few of the benefits:

  1. Improved Accountability: By linking strategic objectives to individual performance, councils can hold teams and employees accountable in a structured, measurable way. This creates a culture of responsibility at every level of the organisation.

  2. Enhanced Visibility: Managers and leaders gain real-time insights into how well their teams are progressing towards the council’s goals. This visibility allows for better decision-making and more effective management of resources.

  3. Employee Engagement: When employees can see the direct impact of their work on the council’s overall success, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their roles. The line of sight provided by these modules fosters a sense of ownership and pride in their contributions.

  4. Streamlined Reporting: The seamless connection between corporate planning and employee performance simplifies reporting for councils, reducing the time and effort required to produce accurate, meaningful reports for stakeholders.

Pulse’s Partnership with Local Government

Pulse Software has always focused on creating solutions that meet the unique needs of local government. The development of the Corporate Planning & Reporting and Employee Performance modules reflects this commitment. By providing tools that align strategic goals with employee performance, Pulse has helped over 170 organisations across Australia and New Zealand enhance productivity for more than 150,000 employees.